Another Update: What's Next For GOEX
By Heidi Pettigrew

Hi GOEX Family –
First of all, THANK YOU for showing up for our team in amazing ways! With the match we announced, you all have given more than $27,000 to care for our families in Haiti as they endure unimaginable challenges. 100% of your generous gifts are going directly to our employees and their families. We sent the first allotment of money this week and employees are receiving bank transfers as we speak – truly life-giving funds! If you would like to contribute to this ongoing need, click here!
So, an update…
As of today, really nothing has changed. There is a council in place that is tasked with appointing an interim Prime Minister who is tasked with getting the country to a free and fair presidential election. But much has to happen between now and then. An international force is still possible but nothing is imminent and the general population in Port au Prince continues to suffer under gang violence and economic disintegration.
Right now, in Port au Prince, no ships are coming to port with desperately needed supplies and no planes are flying in or out. Today American Airlines announced another delay to reinstated flights – from 4/17 to 5/5. Time will tell.
Because of ongoing uncertainty, we have made the extremely difficult decision to shift production to the Dominican Republic for the summer with the goal of reopening in Haiti this fall. This decision was weighty but in order to remove pressure from the team in Haiti and give our partner in the DR the ability to coordinate production, we had to commit to a plan. The factory we’re using in the DR shares our values of fair wages and employee empowerment. When you look a GOEX garment over the coming months, whether sewn in Haiti, the USA or the Dominican Republic, you can be assured of the same USA fabrics, the same commitment to quality and the same commitment to caring for people through the dignity of work.
If you want to learn more, we are excited to announce the first of a series of virtual Q&As with GOEX leadership! Join us Wed, April 30th at 2:30 pm central to ask questions and learn more! Click here to register and receive a link.
And save the date for May 29th for our second virtual Q&A as we answer your questions about sustainable fabric sourcing!
As always, we can only do this work because of your support. Thank you for caring!
Jessica Ray
- Tags: Fair Trade Haiti Manufacturing Purpose