Partner Spotlight: Voyce Threads

Our mission is to empower the communities we serve. Here at GOEX, we have been fortunate to partner with many organizations and businesses who share this mission. We recently sat down with the founder of Voyce Threads to hear their story and educate our followers about the groups we work with. Founded by author and entrepreneur, Drew Shaw, Voyce Threads strives to empower you to start meaningful conversations by showing off what’s on your feet.
Voyce Threads
Socks don’t have to match. They just have to compliment you. Sometimes the most unlikely pairing makes the perfect combinations. Voyce Threads is a socially conscious lifestyle brand that brings awareness to important causes by designing unique pairs of mismatched socks inspired by charitable organizations. “All of our nonprofit partners..are inspirational and have an easy story to tell,” says founder Drew Shaw. As an exemplar of socially conscious apparel and conscious capitalism, Voyce Threads is elevating the fashion industry to be more than what people wear.
Drew’s Journey
Drew started off with intentions of becoming an attorney but received the call to education. He moved to Arizona where he worked with Teach For America. “Education touches a number of different things - whether it’s music education, teachers, or equity along educational lines for students - those are the causes that really resonate with me,” says Shaw.
After spending 6 years in the classroom, Shaw transitioned to Arizona State University doing marketing and consulting for a grant program. It was during this time where he first felt the urge to do things on his own. “My family is actually a family of entrepreneurs.” Shaw’s grandparents owned several businesses which had a direct impact on how Shaw perceived possibilities and pursuing what you are passionate about. “Entrepreneurship wasn’t the buzzword that it is now. It was normal life to me.” With a lifetime of support and inspiration Shaw planned for his next steps.
In March of 2017 he published Rosewood Circle: The First Day. The book features third grader, David Spencer and his journey to make friends after moving to a new town. Navigating through the anxieties of a new town and a new school, David stays true to himself by wearing mismatched socks. To promote the book, Drew had the idea of inviting kids to be a part of the story by launching a line of kids socks.
To realize his vision, Drew went through a program called Seed Spot. Seed Spot supports entrepreneurs by surrounding them with the right access to resources, mentors, business fundamentals, community partners, capital sources, and anything they need to succeed. What started as an idea grew into a mission. “I was wanting to use the socks as a vehicle to promote the work of nonprofit organizations, to give back to the community, and to help people harness the power of their generosity toward the community too.”
The Purpose of Dreams
Since 2018, Voyce Threads has worked with several organizations and has remained true to purpose. Voyce Threads has become a crossroads bringing together fashion fans, community builders, and dreamers.
“As I have been on my entrepreneurial journey I have come back to that person when I was 10 years old. I think the world spends a significant amount of time telling us what we can’t do. At that age we believe we can do anything. Getting back to that place where I see the world with childlike wonder is a great place to be because if you have time and you have ideas you can put something out into the world that is meaningful to you and to other people..Keep dreaming. Keep caring. Keep working and being curious because it’ll take you further than you think it will take you.”
What’s next for Voyce Threads?
Successful collaborations and growth has given Voyce Threads an opportunity to diversify the brand. “Our socks take a long time to produce because we put a lot of thought into it and to sew socks takes a long time especially if they are custom made. We are doing less socks this year and doing more of other products.”
Voyce Threads will be working on a series of shirts and hats that are more cause related. They will still be partnering with nonprofits with the drive of consciousness in trade - “Still the same message but a little bit different.” You can support Voyce Threads through their online store, signing up for their e newsletter, and on social media.
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At GOEX we seek to do better in everything we do. We work collaboratively with partners to create positive and equitable relationships within the trading system. This also includes being a better ally. Being a fair trade enterprise means that we celebrate cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity of communities. To be a better ally, GOEX will be utilizing it’s platforms to help educate our audiences, uplift diverse creators and advocates, and contribute to lasting change. Check out our highlights on social media and through our weekly newsletter.
- Tags: Purpose