GOEX Honors Our Working Moms

Mother’s Day is a time to honor mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers for their contribution to family and community. Working mom’s attribute to nearly 40% of participants in the global labor force (Catalyst.org). Working mom’s face incredible challenges while contributing to the success of their work and home life. In fact nearly 70% of full time working women do all or most of the caregiving in their home. (Forbes) The statstics prove that mom's keep the world turning. (We knew that before the reports but you get the idea.)
There’s no doubt about it - mom’s are champions and we at GOEX want to take the opportunity to give our working mothers the spotlight. Meet some of the working mom’s of GOEX/LIFE:
Life S.A., Haiti

Perpetua St. Clair, Finance & HR Specialist at LIFE
"Being a mother made me a better professional, because coming home every night to my daughter reminded me of what I was working for. I want her to know something that I feel is important. LIFE/GOEX gives me that opportunity to teach her that a woman has the power to positively influence those around her and bring her piece to contribute to a better world. I love work, I love her, and I love what I’m doing at LIFE/GOEX. And being a professional made me a better mother, because I’m pursuing my dreams. I modeled my actions to raise her with love, respect, and dignity."
Ariane Manuel, General Manager at LIFE
"Being a working mother is a challenging yet powerful feeling. As much as I would love to spend every minute with my daughter, working at LIFE/GOEX gives me a sense of purpose. I wish to lead by example in everything I do, and will do in the future. I hope to raise an independent young lady with honesty and integrity, kindness, gratitude, and respect."
GOEX, Kansas City
Meghann Wheelock, Product Manager at GOEX
“I didn’t think that working in the fashion industry and being the type of mom I wanted to be was achievable prior to working at GOEX, but the commitment to helping families includes employees and I am so grateful. I hope to teach my daughters to value and love people.”
Jessica Ray, Executive Director
“Working in a place that exists to support and empower families is an incredible gift when you’re a working mom. We still have high standards and expectations but we also have a lot of flexibility and grace because of the value placed on family. When I came to GOEX (almost 8 years ago), my husband and I had just begun our foster care journey and it quickly became evident that at least one of us would need a job that was supportive of the needs of the kids in our home. During my tenure, I’ve parented a dozen kids and my co-workers have been incredibly supportive. I’m now mom to a seven year old girl who keeps me on my toes! She loves coming to work with me, saying hi to everyone and even helping in the print shop. I work really hard to live out the GOEX fair trade values outside of work. Because of that, my daughter reminds her friends to pick up trash and recycle correctly. She’s totally fine with second hand clothes and we’re working on intentional purchasing instead of a constant need for things. She saves her money and has to think through what she wants to buy. We spend as much time as possible outdoors valuing experiences and time together over stuff. Above all, we work to teach her kindness to all of those around her. We are a people first company and I want to instill that value for others into the next generation!”
“The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Rocks The World.” - William Ross Wallace
Motherhood is sacred. Through mother’s we learn, grow, and gain support. As individuals, we can honor our mother’s by providing the same safe and nurturing environment they have given us. As organizations and companies, we can prioritize the success of our working mother’s by creating better conditions for their success. By cultivating this and more we create a better world. This Mother’s Day, join us in celebrating their contributions, persistence, and incredible care.
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