A Beautiful Day For A Neighbor

March 20th is Fred Rogers’ birthday. Fred McFeely Rogers was an author, minister, producer, and host of one of the most proud yet simple American television shows, Mister Rogers. Mister Rogers, the man, changed not only American television but the way we approach children and learning. An advocate for humanity and kindness, he revolutionized how we process information and adhere to emotional needs. His influence impacts us daily. When you hear the iconic diddle of the bells you can’t help but sing, “..please won’t you be my neighbor.”

Photo by Fotos International/Courtesy of Getty Images
One way Mister Rogers has influenced GOEX is in the way he celebrates the integrity and dignity of all professions, from factory workers to astronauts, and his neighbors were effortlessly diverse. No check boxes to tick off, no quota to fill, only unchallenged goodness. To honor Fred Rogers and his incredible legacy, we celebrate Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day not just today but every day. We believe Commerce and Kindness can coexist. At GOEX we don’t aspire to be the best or preferred t-shirt company of the world. Our purpose is compassion – to be neighborly to everyone who touches a garment.
How You Can Celebrate Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day:
- Wear your favorite sweater or cardigan
- Speak softly to a neighbor
- Listen to a friend
- Practice patience even though it ‘s hard
- Sing
- Watch an episode of Mister Rogers or Daniel Tiger
- Be mindful and appreciate everything
- Talk to your family about managing emotions, prejudice, and acceptance
Remember kindness. Share your care. Feel good. Do good. Won’t you be our neighbor?

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- Tags: Feel good. Do Good.